Colors of Chicago – A Storytime Promoting Diversity

We have a new project in the works and are very excited to share this news! What Should We Do Today Chicago? and I have teamed up to provide a new weekly storytime (via YouTube) that promotes diversity called, Colors of Chicago!

We will feature books with diverse characters, storylines, and authors. Many will cover historical events & leaders and will be age appropriate for your little ones.

We will also provide coloring pages, reading comprehension questions, and a link to purchase the book so that you can build your own diverse home library!

We are also encouraging local Chicago businesses to record a reading to contribute to our YouTube channel. If you would like to contribute a reading to our channel, please reach out to us via email at:

Do you have a book you would like to recommend for our channel? You can submit a recommendation here.

When’s My Birthday Party Hat Template 01

Print and color. Then cut out and form into a cone shape. Tape to secure then secure a string on each side. Now you have your very own party hat! Can’t wait to see your creations. Snap a photo and tag us in it!

When’s My Birthday Party Hat Template 02

Print and color. Then cut out and form into a cone shape. Tape to secure then secure a string on each side. Now you have your very own party hat! Can’t wait to see your creations. Snap a photo and tag us in it!